Piezo-elerctic Effect of EFT (Video)

Over the years, there have been many studies on the Emotional Freedom Technique, (EFT.) Gary Craig has Youtube videos up, from 2013, about the Veterans Administration in L.A. Ca., that include compelling results.

I am enamored by Dr Bill Tillers, counterclockwise motion around the thymus, or heart chakra. It reminds me of turning back time and unravelling limiting thoughts.

The head and face have great tapping points. Have you ever tried the center of the lymphatics on the chest? Located a few inches in towards the center of the body, from under the armpits, and about 4-5 inches below the shoulders. There I press quite vigorously for quicker change.

It is my personal opinion, that tapping on an EFT spot that is sore, is really getting to the core area. I enjoy a little soreness, like a deep massage, or carrying firewood up steep hills. You might have the opposite personality :P) We each have our individualistic preferences.

(For animal lovers I labeled “DOG LUKE,” when he popped in my video.) Sadly his cancer is advancing, he’s nine years old, and I do not think he will be with me in several months. (He had an eight month shelter stay in mid-life, before I rescued him.) We are having a lot of quality time right now.

Go ahead and make suggestions for future video topics here. Please attend to your diet and exercise as other self care techniques. I am considering on focusing on Brain health next week, which includes diet.

We had a very mild winter here. I have so many winter crops due to fewer weeks of frosty weather. I am attempting the daunting task (for myself,) of eating seven cups of vegetables each day. I could not even consider this if I did not grow my own. It’s hard for me, but I am trying most days.

I invite you to join my Facebook page to check out my frequent photos of my harvests. I am watering a puffball mushroom in my front yard. Last year i had a huge one like a cantaloupe.

Notice how I deliberately concentrate on simple, basic elements I feel grateful for. These also dovetail, towards a healthier lifestyle. Oh I love multi-purposing. Something you might not know about myself, I am a licensed Permaculturist. Yes a very earthy type. Again most of you are probably cosmopolitain and metropolitan, let us celebrate our own differences.

I intend to give you more nature shots, so let me know if this is appreciated. I do not wish to seem self absorbed. I am sharing my process, merely as a role model. I had quite the dysfunctional past of despair, and lack mentality for decades.

So grateful to include you in my circle!

Divora Stern, LCSW
Visit – www.divorastern.com;
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Phone Number: 707-354-9911

“Author of upcoming book “Fall, Get Up, Brush Off, Repeat”
Stumbling from the Depths, To Higher than High

AdminPiezo-elerctic Effect of EFT (Video)

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