55 minute session
Was $299 now only $155
Do You Struggle With Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Stress, or Chronic Pain? You Have Come to the Right Place
I Will Help You Unlock Your Magic Key
I can teach you how to unlock the doors to your true potential. Release yourself from stress, illness, dysfunction, emotional distress, and scarcity mentality. Your potential lies hidden with you. However, it is buried under automatic limiting beliefs.
Your limiting belief programming started long ago. Even before your family of origin, it was handed down generation to generation. In your first seven years you were bombarded with patterns that created mindsets and established coping mechanisms. Young porous minds work efficiently and you soaked up the environment around you like a sponge.
Each struggle, each fear, each worry that you observed was carefully stored and mapped in a neuronal network in your brain’s unconscious. These messages were preparing you for later life, creating mirror neurons. This forms your automatic coping mechanism, deepening the neuronal pathways in your brain. These beliefs do not belong to you and you can unlearn them.
Your brain, your intellect, your conscious mind, thinks it’s in control. But it is just the tip of the iceberg! Your heart puts out enormous amounts of energy. Your brain’s electrical charge is relatively insignificant compared to your heart.
Learning to connect your mind with your heart is the magic key: it is the ultimate answer to everything that ails everyone.
With a little help and support you can find and unlock your key.
Sadly you may think you can just replace long term patterns with new decisions. However, old limiting beliefs absorbed in childhood, lying in the subconscious, often arise. You need the key to assist with connecting the mind and heart, so you can create new neuronal networks.
These fresh, highly functional, direct neuronal paths are the keys to lightening speed changes.
The great news is not only are the changes rapid but the entire process is empowering and enlivening. It is an exciting and fun process. If you are ready to open yourself to changes you never dared dream were possible, don’t waste another moment.
Contact us to find out how Divora might best be able to help you!
Wishing you a speedy path to your highest, best self!