Holistic Treatments (300x250)Divora Stern – LCSW Theta Healing Master

I am a registered Theta Healing Master. Theta Healing® is an energy healing method developed by Vianna Stibal, an incredible psychic and healer. Theta Healing® is accomplished in the Theta brainwave state. It follows no religious path, but encompasses all faiths. It enlists divine energy, our commonalities, quantum physics, and a metaphysical mind/body connection. It can be associated with miraculous, instantaneous healings, which have no apparent scientific basis.

My clients consistently remark how refreshed and relaxed they are after a session. It is like having a mini vacation without even leaving your hometown.

Theta Healing® does not take too many sessions to learn. If you can imagine it, you can do it independently at home. Most clients have profound healing experiences within 24 hours of a single session. As a Theta Healer, I assist you into the Theta brain wave and help you access divine healings. In this state, extremely rapid healing is possible.

The theta brain wave is the second slowest brain wave and is associated with the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep state. Clients frequently enter the theta brain wave during the first session. This is evident by the REM, easily felt and seen in the eyes, that many clients achieve within several minutes. Theta Healing® can increase serotonin and dopamine levels in the synapses of the brain.

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