Shaking It Up (Video)

Sorry to be out of touch. The business of the beginning of summer is upon us all, here in the Northern Hemisphere. That season comes with much local celebration here, as can be evidenced by my photo splashed about the local newspapers. So great to have ample opportunities to serve my community! Although my weather has been odd, requiring a wood fire in June, to stay comfortable.

My deer have been very active without watch dog, Luke here. The bucks, I saw directly outside my kitchen sliding glass door, were absolutely stunning as they were eating my flowers and produce. Two huge bucks, one with a five point rack, while the other had four parts to his horns. So that means they were five and four years old. Their horns were wrapped in a gorgeous, dark rust colored, thick fuzz. So I was glad to view this from a yard and a half’s distance.

Unfortunately, my screaming to scare them off, from eating my garden, woke up my Chinese guests before seven in the morning. I am so fortunate to have had international guests here at my ranch.

I have been very involved with Tension/Trauma Releasing Exercises. As a private practitioner in one of my offices, and in training as a group provider. So although I have mentioned and videoed TRE before, this is a recap, with two testimonials enclosed.

As always, much love & light,

Divora Stern, LCSW
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“Author of upcoming book “Fall, Get Up, Brush Off, Repeat”
Stumbling from the Depths, To Higher than High

AdminShaking It Up (Video)

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